The Commission is extending the public comment period for its evaluation of Judge Alfred S. Irving, Jr. of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, who is a declared candidate for reappointment as an Associate Judge upon the expiration of his term on December 1, 2023.
Under the provisions of the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, P.L. 93-198, 87 Stat. 796 (1973), §443(c) as amended by the District of Columbia Judicial Efficiency and Improvement Act, P.L. 99-573, 100 Stat. 3233, §12(1) provides in part as follows:
"…If a declaration (of candidacy) is so filed, the Tenure Commission shall, not less than sixty days prior to the expiration of the declaring candidate's term of office, prepare and submit to the President a written statement of the declaring candidate's performance during his present term of office and his fitness for reappointment to another term. If the Tenure Commission determines the declaring candidate to be well qualified for reappointment to another term, then the term of such declaring candidate shall be automatically extended for another full term, subject to mandatory retirement, suspension, or removal. If the Tenure Commission determines the declaring candidate to be qualified for reappointment to another term, then the President may nominate such candidate, in which case the President shall submit to the Senate for advice and consent the renomination of the declaring candidate as judge. If the President determines not to so nominate such declaring candidate, he shall nominate another candidate for such position only in accordance with the provisions of subsections (a) and (b). If the Tenure Commission determines the declaring candidate to be unqualified for reappointment to another term, then the President shall not submit to the Senate for advice and consent the nomination of the declaring candidate as judge and such judge shall not be eligible for reappointment or appointment as a judge of a District of Columbia court."
The cooperation of the community is of great value to the Commission in fulfilling its responsibilities.
The Commission encourages comments from judges, lawyers, interested organizations, and the public regarding Judge Irving’s performance and qualifications to continue his judicial service. All information bearing on the qualifications of Judge Irving which will aid the Commission’s evaluation of Judge’s Irving’s candidacy is welcome.
The identity of any person submitting material shall be kept confidential unless expressly authorized by the person submitting the information.
Comments may be submitted:
- In writing (a) by email to [email protected]; or (b) mailed to the Commission’s office at: District of Columbia Commission of Judicial Disabilities and Tenure, 515 Fifth Street, NW, Room 246, Washington, DC, 20001.
- By online survey through this link Superior Court Associate Judge Reappointment Evaluation Survey. (Note: For first time users, the survey may take a few moments to load).
You also may submit information and confidential comments to the Commission’s Special Counsel Amy Conway-Hatcher, Esq., or to any individual member of the Commission either directly or through the Commission’s email.
The members of the Commission are:
Hon. Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, Chairperson
Hon. Diane M. Brenneman, Ret., Vice Chairperson
William P. Lightfoot, Esq.
David P. Milzman, M.D.
Nikki Sertsu
Thomas Fitton
Amy L. Bess, Esq.
For more information, please contact the Commission’s office at (202) 727-1363 or [email protected], or you may visit the Commission’s website at